Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

What is Cellulitis?

Cellulitis is a common infection under the skin caused by the penetration of bacteria into dermis, the middle layer of the skin and soft tissues below it. Sometimes, the infection and inflammation can affect muscles [1].

Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways
Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

Causes of Cellulitis

The common bacteria causing cellulitis are called streptococcus and staphylococcus bacteria. These organisms can already cling to the surface of your skin. As soon as a break in the skin appears, the bacteria will immediately penetrate and cause the infection [2].

There are some common factors that increase the risk of getting cellulitis.

  • Cracks skin between your toes
  • Skin wounds and diseases
  • Bone infection
  • Certain diseases like vascular disease or diabetes
  • Certain medications, especially corticosteroid medications [3]

Symptoms of Cellulitis

You know you get the disease when noticing these following symptoms:

  • Redness or inflammation on the skin
  • Pain or tenderness of the skin
  • Rashes, soreness
  • Fever and fatigue
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Joint stiffness

Here are top 10 effective home remedies for cellulitis that you make use of when encountering the skin disease…

1. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been found with powerful antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a trusted ingredient used in home remedies for cellulitis [4].

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with half of a tablespoon of coconut oil. Use a cotton cloth to apply the mixture on the infected areas. Cover it and wait for a couple of hours. Finally wash off with warm water.

Alternatively, mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel along with a teaspoon of honey. Apply the mixture on the affected areas and leave it for some hours. Finally, rinse off your skin with clean water.

Learn more about other benefits of tea tree oil at Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric - Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

Turmeric contains excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help you fight back the symptoms of cellulitis. Accordingly, you should not skip this ingredient on the list of cellulitis natural treatments [5].

Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder into a cup of milk then boil it. Add a little honey to improve the flavor. After the drink cools down, consume it well. Do this on a daily basis until you see improvement of cellulitis.

3. Calendula

Calendula - Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

Calendula is reckoned as one of excellent ingredients that contain powerful anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Furthermore, the herb also helps speed up healing and improve the skin [6][7].

Add 1 tablespoon of calendula flowers into a cup of hot water. Leave it there to steep and strain the liquid after 10 minutes. Use a cotton cloth to apply the solution to the affected area. After 15 minutes, wash off with clean water.

4. Activated Charcoal

If you are wondering how to get rid of cellulitis, try activated charcoal. Since it can successfully eliminate bacteria, toxin and other harmful substance in your body, the skin disease will quickly disappear without recurrence.

Mix 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal with a little water to make a paste. Apply the paste to your skin and cover it with a cotton towel. Do this before you go to bed and remove the towel in the next morning. Wash off the area with clean water.

5. Oregano Oil

Another ingredient you can use to make home remedies for cellulitis. This is due to the phenolic components in the oils that contain powerful antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral qualities [8].

Mix a teaspoon of oregano oil with some carrier oils such as jojoba oil, coconut oil in the same amount. Next step, apply the mixture on the affected areas and cover it for a couple of hours. Finally, wash off with water.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil - Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

Coconut oil is an ingredient that can effectively combat bacterial infection on the skin. Besides, it is excellent in soothing and moisturizing the skin, giving you a quick relief from pain and irritation. By applying coconut oil to make home remedies for cellulitis, you are accelerating the healing process and prevent the recurrence of the condition [9].

Directly apply a proper amount of coconut oil on the affected areas. Leave it for a couple of hours then wash off with clean water.

7. Garlic

When it comes to inflammation or infection, you should try garlic, a spice with strong antibacterial and antibiotic qualities. In case of cellulitis natural treatments, garlic helps to reduce the infection, eliminate bacteria and accelerate healing [10].

For topical appliance, you can crush some garlic cloves to get the juice then mix it with coconut oil. Apply the mixture on the skin and leave for some hours.

At the same time, do not forget to consume some raw garlic cloves to enhance your immune system and fight back the infection from inside. If you can bear the taste of raw garlic, add it into your daily meal.

For more information about other garlic benefits, please take a look at Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth.

8. Fenugreek

Fenugreek - Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

Besides the use in culinary, you can also make use of fenugreek to make various treatments of health and beauty, including cellulitis. The seeds have been confirmed with the ability to deal with inflammation as well as infection of the skin.

Take 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds and add into a cup of hot water. After a few hours, take them out and grind into a fine paste. Apply the paste on the infected skin. Finally, you can remove the paste and rinse off the area.

Learn more about other benefits of fenugreek at Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis.

9. Echinacea

Echinacea - Home Remedies for Cellulitis – Top 10 Natural Ways

Echinacea is useful in the treatments of cellulitis since it provides excellent anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties that can promptly treat this skin problem [11][12].

Nowadays, there are lots of skincare products that contain Echinacea as their main ingredient. You can choose Echinacea gel or cream to directly apply onto the affected area. The ingredient can quickly and easily be absorbed into your skin.

10. Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential substance in our body, which can help assist skin growth and enhance our immunity. Accordingly, this nutrient should be on our list of home remedies for cellulitis [13].

Expose yourself to the sunlight in the early morning when the sunlight is not too strong and causes harm to your skin. The best time for this is between 5 am – 9 am. Simultaneously, consume more food that rich in vitamin D such as fatty fish, beef liver, egg yolks, etc.

Another option for you is taking vitamin D supplements after consulting a doctor.

Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

What is Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)?

Bacterial Vaginosis (BV) is one of 4 main types of vaginal infection, which commonly affects women in age of 15-44. This disease occurs when the vagina loses its balance because of a certain change in bacteria, leading to itchiness, irritation, even pain and discharge [1][2].

Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments
Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

Causes of Bacteria Vaginosis

According to experts, BV is linked to the imbalance of lactobacilli, good bacteria and anaerobes, harmful bacteria in vagina.

Specifically, having multiple sex partners or a new sex partner recently is a factor that can disturb the environment in vaginal, which in turn facilitates the outgrowth of anaerobes and increases the risk of BV.

Although BV is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD), it contributes to the risk getting STD [3].

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

BV shares some common signs with other types of vaginitis like itchiness, irritation, pain while intercourse and urination, changes in color and odor of vaginal discharge. In case of BV, vaginal discharge is described with foul smell and grayish-white color.

BV is quite common among women but lots of them feel not comfortable when seeing a doctor to talk about this. Instead, they choose home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, which can be easily applied at home and effectively curb the condition.

Here are top 10 useful tips on home remedies for bacterial that you should take into consideration….


Yogurt - Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

Yogurt has been found with a huge amount of lactobacilli, good bacteria for vagina. Therefore, it is highly recommended to use yogurt as a home remedies for bacterial vaginosis, which can restore the balance of pH level and ease the irritation [4].

Use a tampon dipping in plain, unsweetened yogurt then insert into your vagina. Leave it overnight or at least for a couple of hours. Remove the tampon and gentle wash off the area with clean water. Follow this remedy at least once a day until you see improvement.

There are also many other uses of yogurt you should know, including Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot.

2. Chamomile

Chamomile - Yogurt - Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

Chamomile, an herb with soothing quality, is a perfect answer for your question “How to get rid of bacterial vaginosis?”. By applying chamomile to make home remedies for bv, you will effectively reduce the irritation as well as other discomforts of the symptoms [5].

Put a tea bag in a cup of hot water and let it steep for some minutes. Remove the tea bag and put it in the fridge in 10 minutes. After that, put the tea bag into your vagina. To let the water reach the vaginal canals, remember to squirt the tea bag. Do this 1-2 times a day to quickly improve the condition.

3. Cold Compress

An ice bag is a useful bacterial vaginosis natural treatment that can help you quickly and temporarily ease the irritation in vagina. Furthermore, the coldness is also able to reduce the inflammation and other discomforts caused by BV [6].

Wrap some ice cubes in a clean cotton cloth. Directly apply the ice bag to your vagina in a few minutes. Remember to have a few breaks during the appliance. Do this several times a day or any time you find it needed. Also, wash your vagina with cold water.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar - Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

Apple cider vinegar has been commonly used in various treatments for health and beauty problems, including bacterial vaginosis. Thanks to its acidic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, the liquid is highly effective in re-balancing the pH level and eliminating harmful bacteria in vagina [7].

To make use of apple cider vinegar for home remedies for BV, dissolve 2 tablespoons of the liquid into warm water then use the solution to rinse off the vagina 2-3 times a day until you see improvement. Also, remember to consume the mixture made by mixing apple cider vinegar, honey and warm water together, 2 times a day.

5. Garlic

Garlic, with its antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, will never let you down when it comes to home remedies for bacterial vaginosis. Furthermore, by consuming garlic every day, you are helping your immune system to increase, which in turn successfully fights against harmful bacteria [8][9].

Mix a few drops of garlic oil with half a teaspoon of vitamin E oil and a tablespoon of coconut oil. Apply the mixture to your vagina and let it sit on for some minutes. Finally, wash off the area with warm water.

At the same time, do not forget to consume garlic every day or take garlic supplements after consulting a doctor.

Learn more about other benefits of garlic at Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth.

6. Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil - Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

Tea tree oil has been so well known for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. For that reason, tea tree oil has gained a spot itself in the list of home remedies for bacterial vaginosis [10][11].

Add a few drops of tea tree oil into your bathtub. Soak your body in the tub and relax. You can simply use the solution of tea tree oil and warm water to cleanse your vagina. Do this once a day and you will soon see the improvement.

7. Fenugreek

If you are wondering how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis, why don’t you give fenugreek a try? The seeds are effective in balancing the hormone and regulating the menstrual cycle. This helps a lot in bacterial vaginosis natural treatments [12].

Add 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds into water and leave it overnight. In the next morning, remove the seeds and keep the water to consume in your empty stomach.

8. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Jucie - Home Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis – 10 Useful Treatments

More than a common fruit, cranberry has been long used as herbal product, which can treat various diseases like diabetes, diarrhea, digestive problems and bacterial vaginosis, etc. [13][14]

With a glass of cranberry juice on a daily basis, you will successfully gain back the balance of bacteria in vagina, reducing the symptoms of quickly get rid of the condition.

9. Oregano Oil

Another oil you can use for how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis is oregano oil thanks to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Not only does it help to ease the irritation and inflammation but oregano oil also improve our immunity, enhancing the ability to fight back the disease ourselves [15][16].

Asides from topical appliance of oregano on the area, take 500mg of oregano oil twice daily until the condition shows positive improvements.

10. Vaginal Hygiene

The most basic and necessary thing you have to do even when you do not get bacterial vaginosis is maintaining vaginal hygiene. In some cases, people have reported that their bacterial vaginosis disappears without any treatments as long as they keep the area clean.

Here are some tips to maintain your vagina hygiene.

  • Change your underwear every day. Wash them with hot water and let it dry under the sunlight.
  • Do not cleanse your vagina so many times since it will cause the imbalance of pH level.
  • Do not use soap or any kind of cosmetic products that are not produced for this sensitive area.
  • After going to toilet, wipe the toilet paper from front to back.
  • Do not wear wet clothes in a long period of time. In case you sweat excessively, remember to change your underwear 2-3 times a day.
  • Use underwear that is made from cotton and fit you properly.

Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

Do not misunderstand that athlete’s foot is a disease occurring only among athletes. The condition has its name due to the fungus that causes it is found where athletes often are such as public showers, pools, and other moist environments, etc.

Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments
Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

Causes of Athlete’s Foot

In simple words, athlete’s foot is the most common type of tiena infection, which affects the skin of the feet. Specifically, the condition occurs when there is a certain yeast or fungus growing on the skin of the feet. Asides from the favorite environment of fungus, direct contact or personal items of patients with athlete’s foot can also make you catch the disease. There are some other factors that can increase your risk of getting athlete’s foot, including wet feet in long periods, excessive sweating, and a minor injury in feet or nail [1][2].

Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot

The most obvious symptoms of athlete’s foot include peeling and flaking skin in your feet, especially between the toes, itching, blister, redness, burning sensation, etc. If the fungus affects your nails, they tend to become thicker and discolored.
Without spending tons of money on medical treatments, you can easily alleviate the symptoms and completely get rid of the disease thanks to natural ingredients.
Here are top 10 handy tips on home remedies for athlete’s foot that will surprise you with their amazing effects…

1. Salt

Salt - Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

Salt has been well known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a trusted ingredient used in various treatments for fungal infections. Additionally, salt is easily absorbed by the skin so that the magnesium as well as sulfate can penetrate and eliminate the toxic chemicals caused by the fungus [3].
In this case, salt becomes an excellent ingredient for you to apply as an athlete’s foot home remedy.
Dissolve some salt in warm water then soak your feet in it for 10 minutes. Finally, let the feet dry naturally. Do this remedy at least twice a day to quickly improve the condition.

To learn more other benefits of salt, read also Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth.

2. Garlic

Garlic- Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

The spice has been long used not only in culinary but also to treat various ailments and diseases. Undoubtedly, it is what you need for how to cure athlete’s foot. Also, by adding more garlic in your daily meal, you can help increase the immune system and reduce the risk of developing other health problems [4].
Use some garlic cloves to extract their juice by crushing them. Apply the juice directly onto your feet. Since it will cause you a little burning sensation, you can avoid it by mixing it with some water and soak your feet in the solution. Finally, wash off your feet with water and let it dry naturally.

To learn more other benefits of garlic, read also How To Get Rid Of High Cortisol.

3. Onion

Onion has been found with powerful antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. For that reason, onion becomes a trusted companion of people in how to cure athlete’s foot and other infectious diseases. Besides applying onion for your feet, you should also add more of it into your daily meal to increase immunity [5].
Crush an onion to get its juice. Use the juice to apply directly on the affected skin after washing the area carefully. After 30 minutes, wash off your feet with tepid water. Let the feet dry naturally. Make sure you follow this remedy several times a day to quickly get rid of fungus.

4. Green Tea

Green Tea - Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

Green tea is produced by steaming fresh leaves from the plants, thus the ingredient can remain very fresh and nutritious. It has been confirmed that green tea is able to prevent and treat a numerous types of cancer, aid weight loss, reduce cholesterol, etc. Besides, it is extremely beneficial for your skin thanks to antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties. By consuming green tea, you are fighting back free radicals causing aging signs. Meanwhile, by applying it topically on the skin, you can help treat sunburn and eliminate fungus. This is the reason why the green tea should be on our list of home remedies for athlete’s foot [6].
Put a bag of green tea into hot water. Let it steep for some minutes then strain. After the water cools down that you can endure the heat, soak your feet in there for 20-30 minutes. Finally, let your feet dry naturally.

5. Baking Soda

If you are looking for simple and effective athlete’s foot home remedy, try baking soda. The ingredient has been confirmed to have antiseptic property, which can eliminate the fungus and yeast [7].
Cleanse your feet and let it dry naturally. Make a paste from baking soda and a little water then apply it directly on your feet. Leave it for 15 minutes then wash off with tepid water.

To learn more other benefits of baking soda, read also Home Remedies for Acid Reflux.

6. Yogurt

Yogurt - Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

Yogurt can be used both externally and internally. When yogurt is consumed internally, it is able to reinforce the immunity, improve digestion and so on. At the same time, if you use yogurt for topical application, it can inhibit the development of fungus or yeast as well as speed up healing of the skin. As a result, yogurt gains a spot on the list of home remedies for athlete’s foot [8].
Dip a cotton swab in to plain, unsweetened yogurt. Directly apply it onto the affected skin and let it sit on for a few minutes. Finally, rinse off the area with some warm water. Do this 2-3 times daily until you see improvement.

7. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is another ample source of antibacterial and antiseptic properties that you consider to use for how to get rid of athlete’s foot. This is a common solution used for skin infection [9].
Wash your feet, especially the affected area, carefully then let it dry naturally. Mix tea tree oil with a few drops of coconut oil or olive oil then apply directly on your feet. Leave it for some minutes before washing off with lukewarm water.

8. Olive Leaves

Olives - Home Remedies for Athlete’s Foot – 10 Natural Treatments

Another ingredient you can make use of in athlete’s foot home remedies is olive leaf because of its antifungal quality [10].
Take some fresh olive leaves to wash and grind into a paste. Apply the paste directly on the affected area. Finally, wash off your feet with lukewarm water.
With this simple tip, you will soon see the improvement of your condition.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a so familiar ingredient in our pantry, but not many people can make full use of this liquid. Besides culinary, apple cider vinegar can be used in various treatments, especially for skin problems thanks to its antiseptic property. Additionally, the vinegar is able to increase our immunity to fight against the athlete’s foot.

10. Calendula

Being on the list of home remedies for athlete’s foot, calendula possesses a capacity of easing the pain as well as itchiness caused by athlete’s foot [10].
Put some dried calendula flowers into hot water and leave it for some minutes. Strain the liquid then use it to soak your feet. Finally, rinse off your feet with clean water after 15-30 minutes.

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

Gastric acid or stomach acid is a fluid produced by cells in the stomach lining, which is responsible for the digestion of proteins by activating the production of digestive enzymes. Regardless of the necessity of gastric acid in our digestive system, it is also the main cause leading to various stomach problems, including acid reflux.

To prevent the gastric fluid from going up to the esophagus, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is needed to separate the stomach and the esophagus. However, for some reasons, the door is malfunctioned or does not closed properly, there is nothing can stop the acid from coming into the esophagus and causing you pain [1][2][3].

Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips
Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

Causes of Acid Reflux

The causes of acid reflux vary from people to people, including a bad habit of eating or an excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption. Acid reflux also happens in people with obesity, scleroderma and women during pregnancy. Particularly, with pregnant women, acid reflux tends to be worse than other people. Medicines such as bronchodilators, progestin, sedatives, beta-blockers, etc. are also another cause of acid reflux.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Most of people suffering from acid reflux have to experience a common symptom of the condition, which is the heartburn or the pain in chest and throat. Additionally, nausea, difficulty when swallowing, hiccups, cough, sore throat are also the consequences of acid reflux. If not treated, the condition will get worse and possibly cause bloody vomiting and lose weight [4].

Here are top 10 natural home remedies for acid reflux you can easily try at home to get the effective results in alleviating the symptoms…

1. Water

Water - Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

The most effective and basic acid reflux treatment you should remember is drinking water. Not only is water necessary for your body, but it also helps to flush out the excessive amount of acid in your stomach, along with other toxins and waste.

To quickly reduce the acid reflux symptoms, make sure you drink at least 2 liters or 8 glasses of water a day.

For more information about other benefits of water, please take a look at How to Get Rid of Scabies.

2. Almonds

Almonds are found with a rich source of oil, which makes them a perfect ingredient in our list of home remedies for acid reflux. Thanks to the oil, you can have the gastric acid under control and get back the balance of the pH level in your body [5].

Soak some almonds in water overnight or at least for a couple of hours. Remove the seeds and grind them into powder form. Finally, mix the almond powder into a cup of water and consume several time daily.

3. Banana

Bananas - Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

One of million reasons that tell you why you should eat bananas every day is the ability to deal with acid reflux of the yellow fruit. In detail, bananas possess s soothing properties that can promptly calm the stomach and reduce the symptoms. Therefore, if you are looking for a treatment on how to get rid of acid reflux, do not hesitate to consume at least 2-3 bananas a day and see its amazing effect [6].

4. Baking Soda

Among home remedies for acid reflux, baking soda is outstanding for its simplicity and instant effect. Just a few minutes after you apply baking soda for the ailment, the symptoms of acid reflux will be reduced [7].

On your daily basis, drink a few cups of water added with baking soda. You can also add some lemon juice into the solution to improve the taste.

Baking soda is also a common ingredient used in various other treatments for oral problems. For more detail, please take a look at Home Remedies For Teeth Plaque.

5. Ginger

Ginger - Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

If you do not want to abuse medicines on how to get rid of acid reflux, try some other natural available ingredients such as ginger. The spice is able to absorb the gastric acid, preventing it from leaking into the esophagus and causing pain [8].

To make use of ginger, try to add more of it into your daily meal or simply consume a cup of ginger tea every day. You will soon see improvements of the condition.

Learn more other benefits of ginger at Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth.

6. Apple

Apple - Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, an idiom that is totally true in this situation. Specifically, the fruit is highly effective in adjusting the acid production in the stomach instantly, which in turn reduces the acid coming into esophagus and causing the symptoms.

Furthermore, apples are among the most popular fruit in the whole world, so it is really easy for you to find and buy some apples to make an acid reflux treatment.

All you need to do is consuming apple daily and let the fruit do its job.

7. Turmeric

Another spice you can use to make home remedies for acid reflux is turmeric. The spice is useful in preventing the gastric fluid from becoming too acidic and protecting the digestive tract. Accordingly, using turmeric every day is highly recommended. You can choose either adding more turmeric into your daily meal or mixing turmeric powder with a cup of warm milk for consumption [9].

8. Potato

Potatoes are believed to possess some excellent nutrients that can balance the pH level in the body and fix the LES, the door keeping acid out of esophagus. Accordingly, the ingredient should not be skipped in the list of home remedies for acid reflux [10].

Remove the skin of a potato then crush it to extract the juice. Add into the juice some cold water and mix well. The solution should be consumed immediately and several times a day for the best result.

9. Milk

Milk - Home Remedies for Acid Reflux – Top 10 Handy Tips

Nothing better than a glass of warm milk when the stomach pain comes along with other irritating symptoms of acid reflux. By closing the door separating the stomach and esophagus properly, milk makes the gastric acid no long penetrate into the esophagus and harm your body.

10. Pineapple

Due to the rich content of bromelain, pineapple becomes a trusted ingredient used in acid flux treatments. Specifically, the valuable substance in the fruit can inhibit the acid production and restore the balance of the pH level, which in turn alleviates the condition [11].

Consume the fruit or drink its juice several times a day to quickly reduce the acid reflux.

Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth – Top 10 Useful Treatments

What is An Abscessed Tooth?

To explain in simple words, a tooth abscess is the infection in the center of a tooth or the area where the tooth gets contact with the gum. This condition is caused by bacteria, leading to a pocket of pus inside your teeth.

If tooth abscess is left without proper treatments in a long time, it will possibly become the cause of other severe problems or oven fatal death.

Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth – Top 10 Useful Treatments
Home Remedies for Abscessed Tooth – Top 10 Useful Treatments

What Causes An Abscess Tooth?

As mentioned, a tooth abscess is a consequence of bacterial infection. However, it is not easy for bacteria to attack your tooth unless it gets a chip, decay or crack. In this case, bacteria can easily penetrate and infect the pulp of the teeth then spread to the bones that support the tooth.

Because of the infection, you likely experience toothache, which only stops when the pulp dies or an abscess appears. Otherwise, the infection will keep spreading and affect other tissues.

Abscessed Tooth Symptoms

When you get an abscessed tooth, you are likely to experience these following common symptoms, including:

  • Toothache
  • Breath odor
  • Sick and fever
  • Pain when chewing foods
  • Swelling gum
  • Swollen glands in the neck

Fortunately, before everything gets worse that you need a doctor to examine, help yourself alleviate and prevent the development of the condition by using natural ingredients at home.

Here are top 10 useful home remedies for abscessed tooth that you should follow to minimize the impacts of bacteria in your mouth…

1. Garlic

Garlic contains natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which makes it a perfect candidate for home remedies for abscessed tooth. By using garlic, you can ease the painful feeling and inhibit the bacterial activities inside the tooth [1].

Garlic - Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth

  • Get some garlic cloves and crush them into juice then use it to directly apply to the affected tooth.
  • Another option for you is simply chewing some raw garlic cloves.
  • If you can handle the taste and smell of garlic juice, dilute it with some water. Use the solution to rinse your mouth for a few times a day.

You will be surprised by the power of garlic, which can also help us treat other diseases such as high cortisol. For more information, please take a look at How To Get Rid Of High Cortisol.

2. Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has shown its effectiveness in various treatments for dental problems, including abscessed tooth. With the antibacterial properties, the oil will instantly fight back the bacteria when it comes into your mouth. As a result, the pain will soon reduce and the infection will be also inhibited [2][3].

To take advantage of oil pulling to make an abscessed tooth treatment:

  • Use extra-virgin coconut oil to swish your mouth.
  • Keep it in there for 15 minutes.
  • Finally, spit it out and rinse off with water.

3. Turmeric

Another ingredient that can gain a spot in the list of abscessed tooth home remedies is turmeric. This spice is found with several valuable qualities such as antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties, which can easily get rid of bacteria and other harmful factors causing the condition [4].

  • Mix turmeric powder with a little water to make a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste to your affected tooth after brushing.
  • Leave it there for some minutes then rinse off with water.

Besides, turmeric also makes a perfect treatment for many other diseases, including home remedies on how to get rid of scabies.

4. Tea Bag

After making tea, do not waste your tea bag by throwing it to a trash bin since tea bag is one of your perfect choices for abscessed tooth treatments. Specifically, the tannin in tea is able to alleviate the infection as well as the pain. Besides, it also helps refrain the development of bacteria in your mouth [5].

Tea Bag - Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth

  • Dip a black tea bag in a cup of hot water.
  • Cover and let it steep for some minutes
  • Remove the bag and let it cool down.
  • Apply the tea bag on your affected tooth and leave it for a couple of hours.
  • Finally remove and rinse off your mouth with water.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar must be so familiar to people as an ingredient in the kitchen. Besides, it is also widely used in various treatments for health as well as beauty problems. In case of home remedies for abscessed tooth, the vinegar works actively to eliminate the bacteria and reduce the toothache [6].

  • Simple use apple cider vinegar to swish your mouth.
  • Keep it in your mouth for 5-10 minutes.
  • Spit it out and rinse off your mouth with water.

6. Salt Water

Salt with its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties can give you a quick relief from abscessed tooth symptoms. Moreover, salt is able to suppress the spreading of bacteria. This is why salt should be on our list of home remedies for abscessed tooth [7][8].

Salt Water - Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth

  • Add 1 teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water.
  • Stir well so that the salt is dissolved completely.
  • Rinse your mouth with the solution.
  • Do this several times a day to quickly reduce swelling and other symptoms.

7. Baking Soda

If you are wondering how to treat an abscessed tooth, do not hesitate to try baking soda. This ingredient is excellent in reducing inflammation, infection and inhibiting the bacteria’s development without causing any side effects [9][10].

  • Mix baking soda and salt in the same ratio.
  • Use a cotton swab to dip into the mixture and apply to your abscessed tooth.
  • Hold it for a couple of hours before removing and washing off.

By applying baking soda, you are also able to remove plaque. For more information, please take a look at Home Remedies For Teeth Plaque.

8. Clove

Clove Oil - Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth

Despite the small, simple appearance, clove can make you surprised with its excellent qualities, including antiseptic, antifungal, antibacterial and analgestic properties. That’s why you cannot skip this ingredient on the list of home remedies for abscessed tooth.

  • Use a cotton swab or clean cloth and dip it into the oil. Apply it to the affected tooth and keep it for a few minutes. Finally remove and rinse off your mouth.
  • Alternatively, chew some cloves to get the juice and leave it in your mouth for some minutes before rinsing off.

9. Cold Compress

Cold Compress - Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth

Whenever you feel the pain of toothache gets into your nerve, try applying some ice to temporarily reduce it and other abscessed tooth symptoms [11].

  • Wrap some ice cubes into a clean cloth.
  • Use the ice bag to apply to the outside of the mouth and near the affected tooth.
  • Keep it there fore some minutes until you get a relief from the annoyance.
  • Do this several times a day or whenever you find it needed.

10. Peppermint

There must be a reason for why peppermint is often used as an inevitable ingredient in many oral products such as toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum, etc. According to various studies, peppermint is rich in nutrients and other substances that contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which are extremely beneficial for cleansing and protecting dental health. Accordingly, you should never miss this herb in home remedies for abscessed tooth [12][13].

  • Extract the juice from some fresh peppermint leaves. Apply the juice to the affected tooth. Leave it for some minutes then rinse off your mouth with water.
  • Alternatively, use your finger or a clean cotton swab to apply directly peppermint oil to the affected area. After a few minutes of waiting, rinsing the area with water.